Definition of Native speaker

1. Noun. A speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood. "Native speakers of French"

Definition of Native speaker

1. Noun. A person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Native Speaker

native ground
native holly
native land
native language
native languages
native monkey
native orange
native peach
native pear
native pomegranate
native protein
native resolution
native soil
native son
native sons
native speaker
native speakers
native species
native sulfur
native sulphur
native support
native wit

Literary usage of Native speaker

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Indoeuropean Classification: A Lexicostatistical Experiment by Isidore Dyen, Joseph B. Kruskal, Paul Black (1992)
"The continuation of a language through time is dependent on its being transmitted without interruption from native speaker to native speaker. ..."

2. The Life of Rev. John Clark by Barnes M. Hall (1856)
"... from George Henry, a native Speaker. IN 1832 Mr. Clark was in the General Conference which met in Philadelphia. That body, as is always the case, ..."

3. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage by Inc. Merriam-Webster (1994)
"Conclusion: a native speaker of English will hardly ever misuse bring or take; ... The non-native speaker can easily follow the commentators' simple rules. ..."

4. Indoeuropean Classification: A Lexicostatistical Experiment: Transactions, APS by Isidore Dyen (2007)
"The continuation of a language through time is dependent on its being transmitted without interruption from native speaker to native speaker. ..."

5. China, Her History, Diplomacy, and Commerce: From the Earliest Times to the by Edward Harper Parker (1917)
"... for even Chinese themselves can very rarely speak two dialects with sufficient purity in each case to pass muster to a native speaker as a native ..."

6. China, Her History, Diplomacy, and Commerce: From the Earliest Times to the by Edward Harper Parker (1917)
"... for even Chinese themselves can very rarely speak two dialects with sufficient purity in each case to pass muster to a native speaker as a native ..."

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